註釋The book Cap’n Eri is a marvellous novel written by Joseph Crosby Lincoln. The story revolves around a fictional Cape Cod village present in South Harniss and defines the character Cap’n Eri Hedge, an elderly sea captain. He and his friends find themselves in several heart-warming and humorous adventures. The base of the novel explores the dynamics of small-town life and deeply connected friendships to counter severe challenges faced by all the characters. he upholds the relationships and tackles issues with the times changing. The whole story is set and characterized by Lincoln’s genuine humour and collects the fragrance of culture in Cape Cod. Throughout the novel, the protagonist and his companions tackle uncharted events that include financial trouble, romantic affairs, and community reinforcement. The book is well known for displaying the enormous quality of life in a coastal New England village and quirky characters add more simplicity values to it. however, the novel is a mixture of nostalgic moments, humour and simplicity of human beings.