The Baby Shortage and Italian Inter-Country Adoptions
註釋Objective: Children's adoption affects individuals in various ways, but regardless of its enormous relevance, socio-economic literature has devoted little attention to this phenomenon in Italy, the first-ranked country in the world for inter-country adoptions relative to its population in recent years. This paper describes the Italian adoption system by highlighting the role of accredited bodies and reporting data from the very first survey on Italian inter-country adoptions. Method: The demand for adoptive children is empirically investigated as the relation between parental satisfaction and the characteristics of both the procedure itself and those of the adoptive children. Results: Findings confirm adoptive parents' satisfaction to be inversely correlated with child age, the duration of the adoption procedure and the size of the accredited body. Conclusion: In order to improve the (successful) adoption system the Italian Government should reduce the self-selection of families, and the opacity of costs.