註釋WHAT DO I DO WITH MY PAIN? Preparing for church on October 10, 2010, I was reminded of the ways in which I was being used by God in accomplishing HIS will. I am truly grateful, appreciative and remorseful all at the same time. Remorseful because I can remember a time I not only ran from God and what HE had to offer me, but I doubted HIS existence. Grateful because in spite of me and my past, God still loved me [John 15:13] and wanted nothing but the best for me. Appreciative because God never stopped trying to reach me! In creating me for a purpose with a purpose, HE was persistent in HIS approach in making sure I receive my inheritance. Persistent to the point of revealing HIMSELF to me and allowing me to see myself through HIS eyes! My passion for God this day is nothing like I would have imagined. Great is my boldness of speech toward YOU, great is my glorying of YOU: I am filled with comfort, I am exceedingly joyful in all my tribulation. [2 Corinthians 7] Ordering my steps while rebuilding my confidence (trust, belief) and faith in HIM, God was training me to be fearless and teaching me to fight for the uplifting of the Kingdom. Finally, unselfishly yielding myself to HIM, HE gradually enlightened me to HIS plan for my life. Then I realized God was and is with me always as I gladly accepted my assignment in knowing God was deliberately putting me in situations [sending me in places where there was darkness to be HIS light]. Once I was in, God gave me no way out as HE forced me to stand and fight. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. [Romans 8:15] So, this is not a time for passivity! It is a time for all of God's children to join in Spirit as we connect to God's heart in fulfilling HIS will.