The Count
註釋BOOK SUMMARY Inspired by a true story, Jim Austin is a professional card counter that takes on the casinos in the game of blackjack. Haunted by his own inner demons and memories of his activities during the Vietnam conflict, the gambler strives to make it to the top of his profession, ultimately in hopes of playing on the international circuit. Follow his adventures as his rise from the lowest level of play graduates to its highest form complete with all the changes brought about by his abilities and the unknown forces that influence his life. Beginning on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Jim adheres to the virtues required in his professional challenge of beating the pros at their own game. Once he steps up into the big leagues of Las Vegas the professional card counter is approached by powers to be that manipulate him through his own ego and self delusion. Unaware of the true forces surrounding his life, Jim?s adventures expand to include the finest clothes, most opulent surroundings, and biggest games that he ever dreamed possible. His success however, is tainted by unexpected occurrences, managed developments by the powers to be, and surprises he never thought possible. An unexpected experience of love, tainted with greed, leads him to a twist of fate that exploits his buried feelings. Meanwhile, his past struggle with addiction rears its ugly head to bring about his grandiose feelings of self delusion. Before he knows what happens, he finds himself at a level of play that has no turning back and fills his life with complications he never dreamed possible. As different characters, each with their own agenda, make their respective moves, Jim finds himself caught in the middle of a grand scheme involving organized crime, drug sales, money laundering, and the reality of his diminutive valued life being on the line. With everything centered around his blackjack game, follow the excitement of surprises with twists and turns that evolve into murder, thief and corruption involving the deception of everyone involved, including the powers to be. Enjoy a charged ending with all the pieces brought together in a way different than you could have imagined. A truly fulfilling story, feel the completeness of the various plots revealed as each character comes face to face with his own destiny.