Cardboard Signs and Other Things That Identify Us
註釋I was driving home from work one day when I looked to the side of the road and saw a man holding a simple cardboard sign. On the sign, he had crudely written the words: "I am a victim. Need help" The tragic reality was this man's cardboard sign reflected more than just his present condition. The cardboard sign he held in front of him reflected a source he was choosing draw from for his identity as a person. The most valuable aspect of the image of this man beside the road holding up a cardboard sign was that this man was a direct reflection of the man driving past him in the car. I believe each of us holds a sign for the world to see and in many cases, as people, our signs become more of an identity source than just an identifier of our current situation. I believe it is our identity that brings purpose and my purpose for this book is to help the reader learn how to go beyond the "Sign" with themselves as well as with those they meet. I want to remind all of us there is more to a person than the surface sign we carry as our identity. If we can catch this truth, we can become better at helping ourselves and others see beyond the "Cardboard Sign" and that perspective can change the world!