Late Titian and the Sensuality of Painting
註釋In the mid-sixteenth century, at almost 60 years of age, Titian invented a new way of painting: the paint was applied to the canvas rapidly and freely and overlaid with brushstrokes that were both light and dense: the forms broke up and a great sensuality and profound spirituality became evident. Titian used an extraordinarily prescient technique to create engaging, stirring painting that in some ways seems to relate to the literary work of the poet Torquato Tasso and even take up the imaginary writings of Ludovico Ariosto published in Venice in the 1530s. Such a painting style had never previously been imagined and was so revolutionary that it was to influence many artists of subsequent centuries through to the modern age. Late Titian became the yardstick not only for younger contemporary painters like Tintoretto, Veronese and Bassano, but also great artists of subseqent cewnturies like Rubens, Rembandt, Velazquez, Gericault and Delacroix and on to the Expressionists.