The Quick Theory Reference Guide
註釋Since the beginning of the concepts of family therapy, mental health professionals have known that the family -- the system -- is a powerful source of support for change or a powerful force for resistance to change. Some professionals work with individuals, some with families and some with groups. However, all work with the context of the systems -- family, group, community, country, etc. Students, especially beginning students, are overwhelmed and confused at the variety of approaches to working with clients. Many programs introduce students to individual as well as systems concepts in the course of training. Students need assistance in learning this variety of theories. They need to be able to compare and contrast theories and techniques to determine when and where to utilise the best skills in order to facilitate client change. Dr. Karin Jordan has compiled a comprehensive text that enables the students to discover each theory as it is presented in its purist form. The text is accessible yet the content provides comprehensive knowledge of each theory. Dr. Jordan has brought together the master educators and clinicians in our fields to write about their particular expertise.