The eighth edition of Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design maintains the basic approaches that have made this book the standard in machine design for over 40 years. At the same time it combines the straightforward focus on fundamentals instructors have come to expect with a modern emphasis on design and new applications. Overall coverage of basic concepts are clear and concise so that readers can easily navigate key topics. Problem sets have been improved, with new problems added to help students progressively work through them.
The book has an Online Learning Center with several powerful components: MATLAB for Machine Design (featuring highly visual MATLAB simulations and accompanying source code); the "FEPC" finite element program, with accompanying Finite Element Primer and FEM Tutorials; interactive FE Exam questions for Machine Design; and Machine Design Tutorials for study of key concepts from Parts I and II of the text. Complete Problem Solutions and PowerPoint slides of book illustrations are available for instructors, under password protection.