The Senior Pastor and the Reformation of Youth Ministry

Only 10 percent of church teenagers will become world-changing disciples. Why is the senior pastor the only one who adequately can address this crisis? Because some of the adults who have the greatest impact on teenagers are spiritually shallow. Church teenagers don't have a case of Moral Therapeutic Deism because the pizza got cold, but because some adults have a case of MTD. Some of the most needed reformations involve systemic change that will ripple through the entire congregation. Even the brightest and most influential youth pastor cannot lead such change alone.
Only the senior pastor can take the lead with a full reformation in youth ministry.
If he doesn't, he likely will witness waves of successively shallow and impotent believers. If he does, he likely will witness teenagers, families, and future generations of his church carrying the aroma of Christ and impacting the world for the glory of God.

"Pastor, as you read what Dr. Ross has written, let your mind creatively spin on how you can be the greatest encourager, number-one investor, and truest friend to what God wants to do in the hearts of teenagers in your church! The next generation might just be the tool God uses to bring revival to the rest of us."
Gregg Matte Pastor of Houston's First Baptist Church
Founder of Breakaway Ministries @ Texas A&M

"Ask yourself one question, 'As a pastor, what can I do to see a reformation in youth ministry that will cause great awakening to the majesty of Jesus Christ in the coming generation?'"
Brian Haynes
Lead Pastor of Bay Area First Baptist Church
Author of The Legacy Path: Discover Intentional Spiritual Parenting