Satan's Tactics - Renewal & Three Gifts for Oneness
註釋SATAN'S TACTICS - RENEWAL - THREE GIFTS FOR ONENESS is the fifth and last in this five-part series taken from Henry Hon's ONE EKKLESIA which is his first in his Trilogy--the titles of the other two books are ONE TRUTH and ONE LIFE & GLORY. One looks at Christendom today with her myriad sects, factions, and divisions and ponders: Didn't Jesus say He would build His Ekklesia and that the Gates of Hades would not prevail against it? Does this look like "Oneness" or are we missing something here? Jesus did say that the "Gates of Hades would NOT prevail against" His Ekklesia He would build? Know this--the Gates of Hades are on the defensive and His Ekklesia is on the offensive! But Satan--that Serpent whose head would be crushed (Gen. 3:15)--will not give up without a vigorous contestation; thus, His strategy against His Ekklesia is formidable . . . but we are "not ignorant of his devices" - ultimately, through the Ekklesia His glory will be made known to "principalities and powers in heavenly places" (Eph. 1:20-21). Not only does Henry Hon expose the obvious strategies Satan has engineered against His Ekklesia but some of the less obvious ones in keeping believers opposing one another. To counter this wily "categorizer-accuser" of the brethren, our Lord has determined to fulfill His Eternal Plan and Purpose for the ages by not only praying for our Oneness--which Oneness is designed to defeat His enemy and ours (John 17)--but within His prayer He has gifted us with three of the most potent "spiritual anecdotes" designed to prevail against the Gates of Hades. Hon presents from John 17 the gifts of Life, Truth, and Glory enabling His elect to counter Satan's efforts to thwart God's Eternal Purpose to display His glory in His Ekklesia through Christ Jesus. This final booklet is perhaps the most powerful in this five-part series taken from ONE EKKLESIA.