How to Protect Your Privacy

More and more of our life is becoming digital. Are you prepared to deal with the privacy and security implications? As a digital nomad, the author lives online more than most others and has sometimes had to learn about the issues involved the hard way. As an online researcher, he decided to take a comprehensive look at all aspects of cybersecurity and share that knowledge with you via this hands-on guide to the ever growing and complex world of digital security.

The following major topics are covered:

- Passwords: Everything You Need to Know

- Protecting Your Computer

- Protecting Your Mobile Devices

- Protecting Your Files (Encryption)

- Protecting Your Online Activity

- Protecting Your Network Connection


You'll also find helpful information and practical tips to secure your electronic devices, avoid social engineering (phishing) attacks, browse the Internet safely, deal with social media privacy concerns, remove your personal data from information brokers, keep your cloud data safe, avoid identity theft, choose and use virtual private networks (VPNs), and preserve or pass on accounts in case of death. Newer digital privacy issues like generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), passkeys, and automotive privacy threats are covered as well.


Each topic is covered in detailed, yet easy-to-understand language. In addition, throughout the book are references to almost 400 hundred useful resources.