Canadian Daily Phonics Grades 2

32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets can be used to suit students needs or they could be used for teaching ideas, reinforcing students' phonetic skills, and home study.

Each weekly plan contains an:

- Objective

- Teacher Information

- Daily Planning Ideas containing games, listening activities, stories and riddles.

- A Picture Key is provided for each worksheet that has pictures so they can be identified.

- Four Weekly Activity Worksheets focus on the concept(s) taught during the week.

- Weekly Tests are provided and could be held on the last day of the week or when it is necessary.

Sequential Development of Skills

Week 1: Review Upper and Lower Case Letters of the Alphabet

Week 2: Initial Consonant Review

Week 3: Final Consonant Review

Week 4: Initial and Final Consonants

Week 5: Single Medial Consonants; Middle and Final Double Consonants

Week 6: Short Vowel Sounds 'Aa' and 'Ii'

Week 7: Recognition of the Short Vowel 'Uu'

Week 8: Introduction of Short Vowel 'Oo'; Review of Short Vowels 'a, e, i, u'

Week 9: Review of Short Vowels 'a, e, i, o, u'

Week 10: Introduction of Long Vowel Sounds - a, e, i, o, u

Week 11: Long and Short Vowels in Compound Words

Week 12: Syllabication in Regular and Compound Words

Week 13: Long and Short Vowel Sounds of 'Yy'

Week 14: Initial Consonant Blends: sl, st, sk, sp, sm, sn, sw

Week 15: Initial Consonant Blends: cl, bl, fl, gl, pl, sl

Week 16: Initial Consonant Blends: br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr

Week 17: Inital and Final Digraphs: sh, ch, wh, th

Week 18: Final Digraphs: ph, gh, ck, ng

Week 19: 'R' Controlled Vowels: ar, er, ir, or, ur

Week 20: Hard and Soft 'Cc' and 'Gg'

Week 21: Regular Double Vowels 'ai' and 'ay'

Week 22: Long 'e' Vowel Digraphs: 'ee, ea'

Week 23: Long 'i' Digraphs: igh, ie

Week 24: Vowel Digraphs 'oa, oe, ow, ue, ew'

Week 25: Vowel Digraph, Review

Week 26: Diphthongs 'ou, ow, oi, oy'

Week 27: The Two Sounds Made by 'oo'

Week 28: Silent Consonants 'k, w, l, b'

Week 29: Contractions

Week 30: Irregular Double Vowels: oo, ea, oi, oy, ow

Week 31: Prefixes 're, un, dis'

Week 32: Suffixes 's, es, ed, ing'