15 Fundamentals for Higher Performance in Software Development
Includes Discussion on CMMI, Lean Six Sigma, Agile and SEMAT's Essence Framework
出版PEM Systems, 2014-07-08
主題Computers / GeneralTechnology & Engineering / General
註釋Millions of dollars are spent annually on process improvement initiatives that too frequently fall short of their goals. Due at least in part to this situation, today many are turned off and have tuned out when it comes to the multitude of process and performance improvement approaches along with their related hype and buzzwords. Agile, CMMI, Kanban, Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, PSP, and TSP to name just a few. Drawing on decades of process improvement experience, author Paul E. McMahon explains why we are facing these problems and how you can get yourself and your organization back on track focused on the things that matter most to both your own personal performance and your organization's performance. This book is equally about personal and organizational performance.This book discusses many popular improvement approaches including the CMMI, Lean Six Sigma, and Agile Retrospectives; it highlights fifteen (15) fundamentals common to all successful improvement efforts where sustainable high value performance improvements are achieved; and it shares a vision (and an actual example that holds promise) of a simple "thinking framework" that can help counter the patterns that may be holding you and your organization back from the sustainable high performance you seek. Paul also shares real examples from his consulting experiences, a personal performance improvement experience, and stories from high performing athletes and musicians to help you think about performance improvement outside-the-box.