Ketogenic Diet for Beginners

 Whether you want to adopt a Keto reset diet and boost your metabolism, have been following a Keto diet unsuccessfully, or you are simply curious about how it can turn your life over, one thing is certain – purchasing this book is definitely a ticket that will help you embark the train that is headed in the right Keto direction.

Inside this book, you will find that the Ketogenic diet is not as set in stone as you might think. It is not as strict and scary as it may sound. It can be changed and modified to allow even those with very specific requirements enjoy its benefits.

This book contains:

What Is Keto And Why Do You Need It?
The Birth Of Keto
The Physiology Of The Ketogenic Diet
Is It Working?
Intermittent Fasting On Ketosis
The Fat And Cholesterol Myth
The Keto Diet And Weight Loss
Getting Your Macros Right
Choosing The Best Keto Diet For You
Doing It Efficiently
The Ultimate Keto Shopping List
7-Day Meal Plan with recipes

Inside this book, you will find that the Ketogenic diet is not as set in stone as you might think. It is not as strict and scary as it may sound. It can be changed and modified to allow even those with very specific requirements enjoy its benefits.

If you have had an on-again, off-again relationships with different diets, the problem is not on your needs. It’s just that you haven’t found the right match for you. Until now, of course.