Calgary GoPlan
Calgary (Alta.). Steering Committee of the Calgary GoPlan
Delcan Western Ltd
Sensitivity Analysis, Vol. 1, Land Use Scenarios and Travel Behaviour Parameters
City of Calgary
, 1994
In the GoPlan process to date, four land use/transportation scenarios have been developed and documented, using a number of assumptions and forecasts for various travel parameters. The four scenarios cover a range of land use and transportation (auto and transit) options. The transportation planning forecasting model (EMME/2) used to test each of the four land/transportation scenarios contains as its basis a large number of travel behaviour parameters whose values, used for 1991 base year model, were obtained from surveys of existing conditions. To forecast travel demand at the city's 1.25 million population horizon, future estimates of these travel behaviour parameters were made. However, it was not possible to understand the effect of just one parameter when there were so many so GoPlan decided to undertake a sensitivity analysis in which the influence of selected individual parameters were tested by holding all other parameters and assumptions constant.