Mystified by her parents’ disappearance, June Corpelle takes on a journey of self-discovery, clouded with doubts about her origins. The quest takes an intensifying turn as she meets the unlikely Members of a neighboring House who seem to be able to guide her search.
As June begins to form relationships with the quirky, and strange, Members of the House, she discovers that they are all trapped inside and soon comes to fear that she will also fall prisoner to the House.
Hidden behind its doors is the greatest adventure of June’s life: filled with thrills, mysteries and heart-wrenching secrets that will forever change the course of her life. It will transport her to a world far more interesting than her own in which she will be forced to become a savior of hope. June will have to battle between the needs of those she loves and those of her own. As she comes into adulthood, Evil will test her in ways which question June’s humanity and force her to wage her life against an infinite thirst for power.