Maternal-infant Nursing Care
Elizabeth J. Dickason
Bonnie Lang Silverman
, 1998
Medical / Nursing / General
Medical / Nursing / Pediatric & Neonatal
Medical / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health
With a focus on the most current, essential coverage of normal and high risk maternity nursing, the 3rd Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the needs of today's nursing practice. It includes expanded coverage of maternal-newborn home care in response to shorter hospital stays and greater emphasis on care in the home throughout the childbearing experience. It also retains its "student-friendly" style and is loaded with pedagogical elements designed to test student's content knowledge and criticalthinking skills. Case studies and reality-based nursing planning and intervention immerse the student in "real-life" situations. The client's cultural background and the involvement of the family in the nursing care are important themes integrated throughout the text.
Teaching Plans for Home Care boxes and expanded content on home care for the mother and newborn stresses understanding the role of home care in the overall nursing care.
Care Maps and Decision Trees are examples of clinical, collaborative tools to introduce students to care implementation in the clinical environment.
Warning Signs boxes alert students to potential problems.
Answers to Test Yourself and Clinical Decision boxes at the end of the book help students evaluate their learning and application of critical thinking skills.
Research boxes highlight selected studies applying research to today's nursing practice.
New Chapter on the Socially High Risk Client addresses abuse, homelessness, drugs, and AIDS to keep the student informed and up-to-date on the latest issues affecting nursing care.
A reorganised Chapter 26, The Childbearing Family At Psychological Risk, addresses important care concerns such as preterm defects, death, loss, and grief.