The Mysterious Island
註釋This is an almost never republished translation of the classic Verne story. It appeared serialized in a Philadelphia newspaper in 1876 and seems to be one of the only American translations of the manuscript, The others have been either British or French.A group of escapees from a Civil War prison take off in a hot air balloon but soon find themselves in the middle of a great storm. The balloon is thrashed about and they barely make it to a strangely-shaped island. There, along with an assortment of strange creatures and dangers they find Captain Nemo and his Nautilus. Neither one actually perished in the action at the end of 20,000 Leagues Under The Seas!This is a wonderful story and it is with little doubt that he must have envisioned the day when it might be presented in visual form to the world. Verne did, after all, foresee the advent of man's ability to transmit voice as well as pictures--and no doubt video--through the air.