TRADE UNION LEADERS – lifelong education

The following brochure aims to help understand what leadership consists in and how we can improve it. It is to serve as an assistance in understanding what leadership is and in what way it can be improved. It is to serve the development of people reading it as well as those who are lucky to be members of their teams. This brochure is based on research on the phenomenon of leadership, testimonials of efficient leaders and my own experience gathered in my work as a researcher, coach and professional coordinator of programs aimed at the development of leadership skills and competences.

Spanish version: https://books.google.pl/books?id=FAa2CgAAQBAJ&dq=kucharski+liderzy&hl=pl&source=gbs_navlinks_s

Polish version: https://books.google.pl/books?id=ogS2CgAAQBAJ&dq=kucharski+liderzy&hl=pl&source=gbs_navlinks_s