In Quest of the Quark
A Student's Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics
出版Xlibris Corporation, 2013-12-26
主題Science / Physics / General
註釋In Quest of the Quark reinforces atomic theory for high school students, and links it with Elementary Particle Physics in a structured way that encourages literacy without heavy mathematics, by interrelating the particles which make up sub-atomic particles. At the beginning of the universe matter/energy were one, and then in the first few micro-seconds of time, they split apart or separated, a process called symmetry splitting in Particle Physics, or more commonly The Big Bang. The particles of matter, called fermions, are the bricks of the universe, and the bosons which transmit the forces of energy, the mortar which binds them together. This fundamental view of our time-continuum is quite elegant in its organization, and startling in its beauty, as the worlds within worlds of fundamental particles are explored.