Disrupting the Future: Great Ideas for Creating a Much Better World
註釋In 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next 40 Years (Chelsea Green, 2012), Jorgen Randers draws on his own experience in the sustainability area, global forecasting tools, and the predictions - included in the book as 'Glimpses' - of more than thirty thought leaders to guide us through the future he feels is most likely to emerge towards the middle of the century. At a meeting of 25 of the 'Glimpse' authors in Cambridge in October 2013, each participant was invited to present a 'great idea' (or thought, or development or fact) that they believed could improve on world developments over the next forty years. Disrupting the Future - Great ideas for Creating a Much Better Future is the result of this process and is a remarkable collection of ideas and proposals by a diverse set of thought-leaders, each of which has responded in their own creative way to Jorgen Randers' concluding challenge in 2052: 'Please help me make my forecast wrong. Together we could create a much better world.'