Spook House

Mallory and Beth are friends who are really interested in ghosts. They decide to check out the Spook House, a super scary place in Derby Hill. This house is deep in the woods and far away from any town. People say that some really bad things happened there a long time ago, and it might be haunted!

As they explore, they start to find out about some really creepy mysteries. Some ghosts in a special room don't want anyone to come in. Will they let Mallory and Beth enter?

Beth tries to talk to the ghosts and it becomes very risky. She might be in big trouble if she doesn't stop! Mallory wants to find out if all this ghost stuff is really true, but will her love for science make her lose track of what's actually happening?

"Spook House" by M. L. Bullock is the third book in a series about scary stories from the South. It's so exciting and spooky that you won't be able to stop reading! If you like to read when it's raining outside, this is the perfect book to get lost in.

The series also has other cool books like "Being With Beau" and "Death's Last Darling."

So grab a cozy blanket, find a spot near a window with raindrops, and get ready to be spooked by the Spook House!