
Seduced by peril--and cold, hard cash--street-smart Johnny Ocean has earned himself an Upper East Side townhouse, a faithful Sikh butler, and a reputation for taking cases other lawyers won't touch. Enter his latest client, the shadowy Pandora Markham, an upper-crust temptress so shrouded in mystery that she has yet to come face-to-face with her own attorney...

On the surface, the case appears to be nothing more than a catfight between a pair of sisters-in-law over a $170 million inheritance. Johnny is isn't fooled by its seeming simplicity. Nor, as the inevitable grim reality snares him in an ominous underworld web, is he frightened--not at first. But Pandora Markham hasn't told him everything--and what Johnny doesn't know can kill him... in Aaron Richard Golub's The Big Cut.