State Policies to Enhance the New Economy: A Comparative Analysis
註釋As such, the vices, and a host of other facilities that promise development and growth of the New Economy to integrate individuals into the broader society is seen as the key to global competitiveness. [...] The Intellectual Capital erful reminder that the perceived importance of Partnership Program enables an employer to form the knowledge-based economy to the economic a partnership with a university or college and well-being of a jurisdiction encourages govern- design a program of study that prepares students ments to play an active role in deciding the for- for specific jobs in that company. [...] In general, however, there is no compre- motivate scientists to direct their knowledge and hensive effort, at either the provincial or national expertise toward solving the problems 'weaker' level, to increase the participation rates of those communities face.52 It is not possible to deter- segments of the population who are disenfran- mine from the information that the Government chised from, and [...] First, it is clear ysis down to the community level is important, in that the state is heavily involved in the promotion the final analysis Gurstein's work offers little new of the New Economy. [...] What enact changes in the structure of the state and is needed is an approach that relies far less on its internal processes that "shift the location of trying to influence the market decisions of cor- power, change the access to information of dif- porations, and which focuses more on develop- ferent social groups, and develop the capacities ing the capacities of disadvantaged communities.