Her Silhouette

She juggles around in the circle of self-doubt,

And hides her pain in mask of shyness,

She keeps running away from the crowd,

And puts a fake smile on her gloomy face

She isn't a wallflower, my love,

She is a deity with a fiery heart.

She is the woman fighting with her inner demons.


She is a goddess who understands where she stands on the planet; she returns to the sacred ground and roots that nourish her whenever she feels lost. She is a goddess, she who delves into the sensual depths of her body, and she recognizes that no one can define her sexuality and sensuality for her. These are her legal rights. She is a goddess, she who hears the whispering of her intestines; she practices discernment between what rumbles in terror and what is true. "Her Silhouette" is a book dedicated to the "She" and "Her", with 53 selected writers from the globe, who have contributed their work based on the theme. The book is a collection of heartwarming poems, gratifying stories and touching microtales which utters the life of "She" in the present society.

“Her Silhouette” is a free anthology launched by The Little Booktique Publication in which none of the co-authors are charged a single penny throughout the publishing process.