
Praise for Giving Back

"Giving Back: Connecting You, Business, and Community is the hope of the future. And when two great thought leaders document the inspiring examples of corporate social responsibility, doing well by doing good, changing lives and building the healthy community, we all respond. Great book, powerful message."
—Frances Hesselbein, Chairman, Board of Governors, Leader to Leader Institute

"All my business life, I have preached the importance of volunteering and sharing your gifts with your community. This book is full of examples, a how-to for companies and individuals who are ready to make the world a better place."
—Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive

"I have long believed that we cannot rely only on government to provide the answers to society's most pressing needs. Businesspeople have a long history of applying their unique skills and resources to lend a helping hand to those who need it, and I consider this book essential reading for anyone who wants to learn how to make a difference."
—Henry Bloch, founder and Honorary Chairman, H&R Block, and Chairman, H&R Block Foundation

so what's so great about your business doing good?

There is something exciting happening in businesses across the country. More business-people and more companies than ever are participating in charitable activities and are learning that giving back is not a slogan—it is a way of doing business and a way of life.

Giving Back reveals how fundamental and lasting changes are being accomplished in communities and highlights highly effective organizations from a number of major metropolitan areas, including Kiva.org, Horizons for Homeless Children, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, LINC, Stonyfield Farm Profits for the Planet, and many more.

You will be inspired by the stories, anecdotes, personal observations, experience, and advice of visionary leaders in business, including:

  • Roger Brown and Linda Mason, cofounders of Bright Horizons Family Solutions

  • S. Truett Cathy, founder and Chairman, Chick-fil-A®, Inc.

  • Matt Flannery, cofounder of Kiva.org

  • Gary Hirshberg, Chairman, President, and CEO of Stonyfield Farm

  • Kent C. (Oz) Nelson, retired chairman and CEO of United Parcel Service

In each case, you will discover the positive benefits of becoming personally involved in your community and of affiliating your business with charities and nonprofits. These benefits include an increase in your bottom line and in your employees' morale, as well as a boost to your company's brand and reputation—all through giving back.