註釋A thought-provoking insight into the reasons for cultural discrepancies in entrepreneurial behaviour supported by true life case studies.

The global examples presented demonstrate contrasting behaviour in different geographic areas and illuminate the cultural factors that make and shape entrepreneurs worldwide.

A text with truly international appeal for entrepreneurship students and academics, as wells as practitioners.

Each geographical study begins with an overview of the key features affecting entrepreneurship within a particular region, and addresses factors which promote and/or inhibit the level of entrepreneurial activity within that society. This is followed by a case study which illustrates major issues relative to the experiences of practising entrepreneurs.Finally an analysis is presented to consolidate and illustrate key themes which emerge from the regional studies.

This text will:

* highlight issues generally associated with entrepreneurship and culture internationally;

* illuminate the factors which contribute to the promotion and/or inhibition of entrepreneurship within specific geographic sub-regions;

* combine these illuminations through analysis to identify similarities and differences;

* progress the understanding of cultural issues related to entrepreneurial behaviour internationally.

International perspective of entrepreneurial behaviour, highlighting cultural issues.
Contributions from leading international experts in entrepreneurial studies