Our Long Hairitage
註釋Most causes of hair loss are manmade. Proper nutrition is one thing. But a lush rain forest is ruined by clear-cutting just as close-cropping the head invites a desert. To add insult to injury biocides (which include many hair products and chlorine) aggravate the environment further by destroying the vital inhabitants thereof. These things cause the scalp to become deserted.

In contrast our long haired ancestors had healthy heads of hair because they manipulated nature little. This unique book traces the history of this fact as well as the origins of excessive hair removal during times of religious idolatry. Learn the benefits of longer hair from science, health, Scripture, and history to prevent hair loss and skin cancer; for healthy hair and scalp; to protect your head; and to promote your unique identity.

This easy-to-understand book abounds with 100 pictures and other illustrations, handy tables, and is completely referenced. The fight against hair loss will never be won until you understand that the real root causes are self-inflicted or enforced against you by others. Read this book first and get the facts before wasting money on products.