The Destruction Of Liberty

Why do self-proclaimed "progressives" always come to power using the rhetoric of fairness, equity, and inclusion, but almost inevitably end up looking down upon the rest of us from an ivory tower? Meanwhile, those they claim to champion, especially those at the lowest end of the socio-economic spectrum, sink ever deeper into the abyss of dependence on government largesse, failing public schools, crime-ridden streets, and economic stagnation? It's because these people are actually socialists in disguise, creating a new feudal hierarchy with themselves as the new aristocrats. Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and others constantly rail against the evils of capitalism, yet they do not hesitate to exploit it for their own personal gain at every opportunity. This book examines all of this and more through the lenses of history, politics, economics, culture, spirituality, and sometimes just common sense. It will also survey the landscape of current events and social trends to explain how these “progressives” actually seek to deceive the American public, with the very intention of bringing about a “regression” to a darker age from the past.