This inquiry into the theological-political nature of power deals with the application to Europe of a new theory, in which the state is formulated as the synthesis of the economy and culture. Its chief aim is to answer the fundamental questions: What is the best political system for Europe? Upon which principles ought it to be founded? Does it concur with the past and the present of the Europeans? In addition, it unveils important political truths that remained up to now unidentified, yet their philosophical and theological sources were known for centuries.
A new concept and an age-old thinking method brought forth this universal political theory. 'Culture family' means either an association of distinct cultures sharing common roots, or the transnational society of their human carriers. Arguably, a sound approach to the political future of multicultural societies is impossible in the absence of this construct.
This book explains the genesis of the European culture family in accordance with Hegel's dialectical method, and identifies love as the principle and the end guiding life within it. Moreover, it includes a draft of the Charter of the Rights of the European Culture Family, so as to ensure that all concerned parties acknowledge them.
The other key idea underpinning The European Union according to Jesus Christ consists of a cross-domain, all embracing analogy. Just as the person and the work of Jesus Christ are essential to the redemption of mankind, so the entity and the duty of the state are crucial to the recovery of culturally and economically interconnected societies. The Definition of Faith of the Chalcedon Council and its political translation illustrate this similarity. In order to develop it thoroughly, 45 articles of the Summa Theologiae were translated into an equal number of political theses. Aquinas wrote this masterpiece in the 13th century, that is, during Europe's childhood. It is a comprehensive exposition of Christian theology and an excellent summary of the philosophy of Aristotle, one of the greatest thinkers ever. Thus the worth of the propositions incarnating the European version of the state according to Jesus Christ is assured.