The Rescue
註釋Ten-year-old Josiah Hutchinson has never tried to cross the river in spring. Suddenly, the icy waters tear his feet from the ground, and he's swept away by the raging current. Just as he takes his last gasp of air, a strong arm pulls him out, and everything goes black. When he comes to, he finds himself looking in the face of an old widow woman. She's an outcast in the village because of her religious beliefs. Josiah promises to keep their friendship a secret. But then his older sister, Hope, becomes desperately ill, and no one can help her...except maybe the widow. Will Josiah's father and mother listen when he tells them the widow might be able to help? Can she save Hope, or is it too late? And what will the villagers say when they find out the widow is Josiah's friend?The Christian Heritage Series is an ongoing line of Focus on the Family youth books that explores the role of faith and family throughout American history. These engaging stories help young readers better understand their country, its values, and its God. The Salem Years books take place in early 1690s Massachusetts.Nancy Rue's writings have appeared in a number of youth publications, including Clubhouse, Campus Life, and Teens Today. She has won a number of literary honors, including the 1991 C.S. Lewis Honor Book Award.