The Fulfillment of a Dream
註釋Tom Stone was not only a family man, but a middle-class, professional executive as a Purchasing and Personnel Manager at a local manufacturing company near his home. But Tom Stone was more than this. For deep within him was a burning desire for the wilderness. Much like a wolf or lion that is imprisoned in a steel cage, pacing back and forth impatiently, looking out at the distant hills, as if remembering the freedom the animal once knew. Only Tom Stone did not realize that this burning desire was within himat least not at the present moment. But this desire would surface and haunt him, until he too became like the lion or wolf, inside the cage, pacing, thinking, wondering, until it became an obsession. Tom was a natural outdoorsman, a frontiersman of old that yearned for the freedom of open spaces. The unrestricted freedom to breathe the clean, cool, crisp breeze that blew off the limbs of the forest with its scent of pine. This is the story of that man and his family.