The Military Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton
From the Dutch War, 1672, in which He Serv'd, to the Conclusion of the Peace at Utrecht, 1713 : Illustrating Some of the Most Remarkable Transactions, Both by Sea and Land, During the Reigns of King Charles and King James II. Hitherto Unobserv'd by All the Writers of Those Times : Together with an Exact Series of the War in Spain and a Particular Description of the Several Places of the Author's Residence in Many Cities, Towns, and Countries; Their Customs, Manners, &c. Also Observations on the Genius of the Spaniards (among Whom He Continued Some Years a Prisoner) Their Monasteries and Nunneries (especially that Fine One at Montserat) and on Their Public Diversions More Particularly Their Famous Bull-feasts
出版E. Symon, over against the Royal Exchange, Cornhill, 1728