The Book of Quoems
註釋The Book of Quoems is a collection of quotes, proverbs, and sayings from the famous to the nameless—from past to present—arranged in lyrical, poetic verse. A quoem is comprised of two quotes that rhyme and is titled with two words that coincide with each quote. If you enjoy wordplay, song lyrics, and witty refrains, you will recognize the value of this book upon knowing that a quote may be the result of the wisdom of very complicated ideas packaged simply into a single phrase. The quoem takes the phrase and titles it with one word and then does it a second time with a rhyme. It is the essential solidification of expression, combining literature, vocabulary, poetry, and philosophy. Reading this book is like diamond mining—the more you dig, the more gems you will find. Search for that mother lode, and the treasure you will find is pure quoetry.