CHOÁ - An Educational Musician Game Is Born

At the age of thirty-six I began the realization of my musical dreams, i glimpsed the possibility of transmitting my acquired knowledge in the musical universe to all who wished to develop this playful knowledge.

The CHOÁ game gave my initial yummy an exponential increase in musical dissemination, being even more effective with those who have no prior musical knowledge.

After overcoming so many musician-educational obstacles I managed to fulfill my dream of singing sweet melodies on the violin, which led me to learn bow viola, consequently cello and double bass.

As author of the game, I own the rights to the production and commercialization of the game, but it is my desire to partner with national and international companies for the production and marketing of the game.

Interested companies should buy the right to produce and market the game, since the copyright will be permanently over my power.

Maestro Orlando Andrade


+55 (85) 9 9785 6585