Cancer Secrets Revealed
Phillip William Burbutes
New Leaf Distribution
, 2013-02-26
Health & Fitness / General
Health & Fitness / Diseases & Conditions / Cancer
Medical / Oncology / General
As the direct result of several years of work and research in the field of alternative medicine, CANCER SECRETS REVEALED, is a compilation of hundreds of facts and figures allowing virtually anyone with an open mind to come to a very real understanding of this dreaded dis-ease. First and foremost it offers real hope to those lost in fear and terror. Secondary, it provides a rather complete understanding of this problem, presenting the primary, underlying causes as it were, while not just dealing with the superficial symptoms. And lastly, guidance is provided allowing individuals the opportunity to effectively deal with, and perhaps, actually overcoming this incredibly complex puzzle that we call cancer.
All Americans now stand in the middle of a very devastating cancer epidemic. This is a problem, much like our polluted water ways, and the deadly radiation which we find around us in ever increasing levels, which is simply not going to go away any time soon. Cancer rates concerning all types and forms of cancer are increasing at an alarming rate. Medical doctors, ‘Allopaths’, are seemingly at a total loss to combat this ever increasing threat. CANCER SECRETS REVEALED has been created to help ANYONE interested in studying this problem. Whether student, housewife or oncologist, the secrets of this mystery lie within. Cancer is not what you think! The removal of any single tumor does not cure cancer! Cancer has been and always will remain a systemic disease affecting the entire body. Open your mind and embrace the truths herein revealed. Revealed not just for the first time, but rather reiterated time and time again. Several being sounded and resounded for hundreds of years!
These secrets have been actively suppressed by a vast multitude of individuals who have successfully sought to profit from the pain and suffering of an uninformed public. Once again these are offered up on the high altar of Truth to stem the tide of human suffering. Will they be embraced at this time? Or will they once again , as history has shown us for the last 100 plus years, be lost until some future generation is fortunate enough to stumble upon them.