디지털상거래가 무역과 고용에 미치는 영향(The Impact of E-Commerce on International Trade and Employment in Korea).
註釋English Abstract: The first goal of this study is to characterize the e-commerce market in Korea. To show the characteristics of e-commerce market in Korea, we collect the 2010-2016 e-commerce data provided by the Korea Customs, the online shopping trend survey from 2000 to 2016 by the Korea Statistics, and the 2000-2016 reports (including micro-data from 2013 to 2015) from National Information Society Agency, the e-commerce reports and data from 2010 to 2015 by the US Census, and other referenced data in reports including UNCTAD and market agencies. We have carefully summarized and compared the latest trends and features of the e-commerce market in Korea, having the scope of each dataset in mind. We also provides some caveats in interpreting figures in e-commerce import and export data from the Korea Statistics and the Korea Customsin order not to misguide readers in interpreting the different values between them. Many interesting features of the e-commerce market in Korea are included in the study.