Business Process Reengineering
註釋Business Process Reengineering BreakPoint Strategies for MarketDominance Business Process Reengineering shows you how to take thevital next step to attain market dominance and become a worldleader
* A team of internationally recognized Coopers & Lybrandmanufacturing consultants explain why they believe the businessworld needs to move beyond continuous improvement and TQM conceptsto Business Process Reengineering (BPR).

* BPR involves a dramatic redesign of business processes,organization structures and use of technology, to achieve"breakthroughs" in business competitiveness.

* The book is based on the authors experience of extensiveinternational work with leading corporations including AT&T,Asea Brown Boveri (ABB), Allied-Signal, and Coca-Cola &Schweppes (CC&SB).

* Focusing on the effectiveness of BPR, the book shows howcompanies can streamline operations, and inevitably cut costs, onthe way to creating process excellence in all key aspects of theorganization.
Reengineering goes beyond continuous improvement "Continuousimprovement is exactly the right idea if you are the world leaderit is probably a disastrous idea if you are far behind in the worldstandard we need rapid, quantum-leap improvement. We cannot besatisfied to lay out a plan that will move us towards the existingworld standard over some protracted period of time if we acceptsuch a plan; we will never be the world leader." Paul O Neill,Chairman ALCOA