Southeast Asia
註釋Based upon 40 years of research of Southeast Asian geography and culture, and 40 years of residence in the region, Professor Ron Hill has provided a comprehensive contemporary overview of the region's geography, particularly emphasising its substantial economic transformation over the last several decades. The author's standpoint is that geographical patterns cannot be understood without an understanding of the social and economic processes that produce those patterns. At the same time, he points to many aspects of the region have changed rather little, and not only in terms of physical attributes.

Continuity and change are major themes of the book. Since change has proceeded at varying rates in different parts of the region, the result has been, and continues to be, a major increase in the diversity of an already colourful region - in landscapes, language, religion, politics and a host of other cultural charactersistics.

The book will be accessible to the reader who knows litle of the geography of Southeast Asia, but remains informative and satisfyingly comprehensive to those with prior knowledge.