Intelligent Decision Making Systems
Proceedings of the 4th International ISKE Conference, Hasselt, Belgium, 27-28 November 2008
出版World Scientific, 2010
註釋Applications of intelligent systems in transportation logistics / H.-J. Zimmermann -- pt. 1. Computational intelligence and expert systems. Desing of an intelligent system for computer aided musical composition / E. Castañeda, L. Garmendia, M. Santos. Computing with words based on a hybrid semantic-symbolic model / R.M. Rodríguez [und weitere]. Evolving neural networks to play noughts & crosses / P. Morley. Minimizing makespan for parallel batch processing machines with non-identical job sizes using quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization / Y. Wang, H. Chen, H. Shao. Designing a library for computing [performances] with words / A. Bonardi, I. Truck. Method of activation for a set of rules using neural network / A.M. Blanco, A.C. Peñuela. A thorough study of interrelationship in fuzzy implication axioms / Y. Shi [und weitere]. Difficulties of directed acyclic graphs as a general causal representation / L.L. Mazlack. An improved support vector classifier based on neighborhood rough set / H. Han [und weitere]. An ontologies plug-in for granular operations / S. Calegari, D. Ciucci. Enhancing ant-based clustering using pairwise constraints / Y. Yang, J. Chen, W. Tan. The information entropy sequence of hierarchical structure / Q. Zhang [und weitere]. Considering artificial intelligence techniques to perform adaptable knowledge structures / M. León, R. Bello, K. Vaulhoof. Approaches for incremental learning knowledge based on the changing of attributes' values / D. Liu [und weitere]. Fuzzy TOPSIS application in evaluating waste paper collection methods / Y. Kop, H.Z. Ulukan, T. Gürbüz. Return risk map in a fuzzy environment / J.M. Brotons. A computational Intelligence development of optimal tool trajectory in surface spray manufacturing / X.P. Liao, W. Xia, F.Y. Long. Research and design of mandatory running control / W. Li [und weitere]. Fuzzy model net and the credibility degree calculation method for composite models / C. Qi, H. Pan. Evaluation about project of logistic aIliance based on information analysis of rough set / J. Wu, S. He. A new Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operator of linguistic information on decision-making / Q. Liu [und weitere] -- pt. 2. Data mining and data analysis. Dealing with missing values in nuclear safeguards evaluation / O. Kabak, D. Ruan. Mining data with missing attribute values : a comparison of probabilistic and rough set approaches / J.W. Grzymala-Busse