Disunited Kingdom
How Westminster Won A Referendum But Lost Scotland
出版Cargo Publishing, 2014-12-08
主題Political Science / General
註釋Following on from the highly acclaimed Road To referendum, this is the story of the referendum and the journey beyond, from one of the UK's most insightful political writers. On the 18th September Scotland voted to stay in the Union. In this provocative new book, Iain Macwhirter argues that the UK will never be the same again. Disunited Kingdom explores Scotland's political and cultural landscape in the immediate build up to, and aftermath of, the referendum. Combining expert and personal insight, Macwhirter deftly examines the future of Scotland, the UK, and the enduring passion for independence. Praise for Iain Macwhirter: "A truly important book, particularly at this moment." ~ Andrew Marr. "A terrific book [...] full of shrewd insights. I'd recommend it highly." ~ The Guardian