註釋This report describes an instrument, the Arizona Imager/Spectrograph (AIS), developed for the Geophysics Laboratory by the University of Arizona for use on the space shuttle. The instrument is a combination of spectrographs and imagers intended for the study of optical emissions in the vicinity of spacecraft. It includes nine spectrographs, which cover the spectral range from 115 to 1100 nm, with spectral resolutions ranging from 0.5 nm at short wavelengths to 1.3 nm at long wavelengths, and twelve imagers which ahve narrow, medium, and wide fields of view and optical bandpass filters to select particular wavelengths. The images and spectra are focused onto intensified CCD's. The design of this instrument is discussed and examples of test data are presented. Keywords: Spectrographs; Imagers; Space shuttles; Space flight. (RH).