Bhagavad Gita Sv?dhy?ya

I was selected as an external expert examiner for his dissertation. I have read the book from start to finish for fifteen days. I took extra time to read it …. it pulled me; it pulled me to adhy?tma. Such a good book. I read it with much eagerness and enjoyed it very much. Even I was unable to write a book like this. It took me back to all that I had studied in my youth. I understood the G?t? again as I had understood it as a student. … … Listening to him, I remembered my Guru parampar?, my Vyasa parampar?, my own student days. … It was such an adbhut viva, great experience, unforgettable and ever memorable. ..
I did PhD and have worked as a Head of Department in SVYASA in 2012 and have worked as Vice Chancellor of SVYASA. We must try and reach the level I have seen and experienced in this case. There have been PhD’s, but none like this. .. I returned from my journey and am back home but I still remember that Vyasa parampar?. This is the way. This is the quality we have to maintain. (Extracted from an audio message to his disciple after the presentation of this dissertation where he was Chief Examiner)
Prof. Ramachandra G. Bhatt, Former Vice Chancellor, S.Vyasa University, Bangalore, Chairman, Veda Vijnana Shodha Samsthana, Bangalore, and Convener, Karnataka Gurukula Education.