Report of the Case of Trespass & Assault and Battery
Where-in John Evans was Plaintiff, and Ellis Yarnall, Richard Humphreys, Jonathan Willis, Thomas Savary, Isaac Parrish, Caleb Carmalt, Benjamin Kite, John James, David Bacon, Abraham Leddon, John Elliot, Hannah Clark, Robert Haydock, and Susanna His Wife, and Caleb Pearce and Jane His Wife, Were Defendants ; Including an Interesting and Important Discussion Respecting the Discipline of the Religious Society of Friends ; and Containing the Valuable Speeches of the Counsel, Revised from the Short-hand Notes of T. Lloyd ; Tried at a Court of Nisi Prius for the City and County of Philadelphia, Before the Hon. H.H. Brackenridge, One of the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and a Special Jury ; in which Case , Messrs. Condy, Levy, Ingersol, and Tilghman, Were of Counsel for the Plaintiff, and Hallowell, Rawle, and Lewis, Were of Counsel for the Defendants
出版P. Byrne, law book-seller, 1810