Coffee With Ego

About The Book

Ego is mostly talked about in a negative light; as something that needs to be avoided or controlled but not much attempt has been documented on understanding its triggers. The real life incidents presented in this book have been fragmented to decipher the very moment when EGO begins to take over. This should help people avoid the emotional despair and financial losses that they might experience if they let themselves be govered by their EGO. ‘Coffee with EGO’ brings awareness via examples of how we fail to manage our positive sense of self-worth and end up harming ourselves instead. So sit back - relax, get your cup of coffee and take a deep breath, as only a peaceful and stable mind is capable of understanding the subtle workings of the EGO. Once you get to full awareness, you would be able to assert control on your life as its true master.

About The Author

Varun Harnal is the founder and consultant coach at Human Training Consultants - www.humantraining.org. Prior to Human, Varun worked at Hilti Inc. and began his career with Tata Enterprises in India. Varun is a trainer on behavioural skills and a life coach from the International Coach Federation,ICF, US. As a relationship coach, he has spoken at TED events and one of his talks related to the book is 'How to kill innovation and growth' which addresses how parents can promote openness within families. An avid debater and theatre lover at college, he received a bachelor's degree in Engineering, and a master's degree in marketing and finance. He started his own practice in Training and Development after his work experience in India, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Varun's writing career began as an instructional designer for business studies. He has gathered acclaim for his programs such as ‘Bridging the cultural gaps in teams', ‘Assertiveness for Personal Branding' and ‘Leadership in Turbulent times'.