As If It Matters

Praise for As If It Matters

"Eamon Grennan's poems are like late 20th century verbal equivalents of 17th century Dutch paintings. How luminously they capture the brimming fullness of daily life, how scrupulously they come to terms with the complex reality of the limited, given world, how radiantly they clarify 'the daily/ineluctable clutter of our lives.' These poems shine and matter."--Edward Hirsch

"This new collection contains some of his [Eamon's Grennan's] most telling work, and with so fine a poet that is saying a great deal."--W.S. Merwin

"With a grace and precision such as come only with a perfect ear, Eamon Grennan welcomes us into the midst of that place where thoughts and sensations somehow magically come together and coexist as one. What he shows us there is now grave, now playful, but never less than life-enhancing."--Amy Clampitt

Eamon Grennan was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1941, and educated at University College, Dublin, and Harvard University. His poems have been published widely in literary magazines in the U.S. and abroad, including the Kenyon Review, New Yorker, Paris Review, Poetry Ireland Review, and Grand Street. His first U.S. book publication was What Light There Is (North Point, 1989). He is a professor of English at Vassar College, and spends his leave-time in Ireland.