A Modern Control Design Methodology with Application to the CH-47 Helicopter
Richard D. Holdridge
Stanford University. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Stanford University
, 1985
A control system design methodology is developed in this dissertation which produces robust, low-order optimal controllers for multiple-input multiple-output systems. The methodology attempts to focus the strengths of recent 'Modern Control' design algorithms on the problems associated with real control system designs. The methodology is a set of procedures which aids the engineer in creating a realizable controller in either digital or analog form. To demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology, two control augmentation systems (CAS) were designed and flight tested on a CH-47 helicopter at NASA Ames Research Center. The first design was a longitudinal cruise CAS giving the pilot decoupled control of forward velocity and climb rate. This design task demonstrated the low-order controller and robustness features of the methodology. It also demonstrated the use of modern control techniques in designing integral-error controllers. Flight test results are presented. The second controller is a translational velocity command/precision hover hold system. This two mode controller demonstrates the methodology as applied to a more complicated design task which includes control law switching and inner loop/outer loop considerations. Flight test results are also presented. Originator-supplied keywords include: Thesis.