Escaping the War
註釋I could hear the screams of the dead, as the enemy came down upon them. Their cries ate away at my heart till soon tears mingled with the dust. I tried to ease the flow with the sleeve of my shirt, but it only made things worse. Having no desire to see any more I turned my head, but it did little good. I knew it was there. I knew the cars were turned upside down and doors jerked off. I knew about the broken glass from the shattered windows. I could not forget the bodies that hung from window ledges and over turned cars. There were too many obstacles in our path. We were only halfway and I wished to leave this place of death behind. The convoy stopped. Why? I stuck my head out the back and tried to peek around the corner. I could see a barrier of some sort. Matthew jumped from the back of the truck as did Goland and Mack. These big strong men should have it removed in no time. "Stay here, Mystery." Matthew turned but as an afterthought added a please. He did not need to worry. I had no desire to get out here. This place was death. I had the shivers since we had first pulled into this town and they still had not left me. I closed my mind to the destruction and talked to Father. He was my peace and comfort. He was my light among this darkness. A massive boom and the earth shook fiercely. The first truck in our convoy was a blazing inferno. I could hear the screams of the men as their flesh burned. The men in the back had been thrown. I had no clue of their condition for I could not see them. I tried to scream for Matthew, but I could not see him. Another explosion and I was thrown from the truck hitting the ground hard. I lay there for a minute the breath knocked from me. I finally caught my breath enough to roll over and when I did I saw it. The corner stuck out from under a rusted car door. It was covered in glass and the meager sunlight shone on it. It was a book. I had no idea what kind, but books were rare these days. I started to crawl towards it. That is when I saw Matthew. His face was covered in blood, but I did not think it was his. He had been trying to gather his men together. From the looks of things, there were not many of them left. I saw Goland. He had a major limp, but he was alive. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Mack, my gentle giant. It did not last for long though. In the top of the hotel remained a partial cement wall. I saw a figure. "Larry?" I thought it but had not meant to say it. No. He is dead. Was he though? We had not checked.