Journal of Captain Cook's Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, on Discovery
Performed in the Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, Illustrated with Cuts, and a Chart, Shewing the Tracts of the Ships Employed in this Expedition. Faithfully Narrated from the Original Ms
出版E. Newberry, at the corner of St. Paul's church yard, 1781
註釋The Forbes AA state and the earliest known state of the 1st ed. It includes the uncancelled leaf D4 (p. xxxix-xl) and the cancelled leaves (p. xxxix-xlvi). The uncancelled state contains no new information, specifically, Cook's observations of the non-existence of the Southern Continent, from words taken from his official account to the second voyage. The cancelled state with the expanded text of eight additional pages contains new information, specifically, a detailed history of the English explorers attempts to find the North-West Passage which Cook's last voyage was about.