Politics, Religion, Sex, and Other Controversial Topics

Imagine the metaphor of God as a needle and the soul a thread weaving a magnificent tapestry through many lifetimes, and that it is essential to pick and choose the fabric from rows of other souls from those lives we come in contact with in order to learn about love.

Silent Births: Fruit of the Womb is such a tapestry. It is the story of many generations of souls brought together form Italy to the shores of the US carrying the weave and fabric of my grandparents of Italian American heritage. I risk everything in telling this love story, but am true to my essence, for it deals with psychic phenomena few understand or accept.

It is mine and my mother's journey. It is possible to all who wish to heal relationships with self and others; from dark corners of inner and outer worlds in an ever increasing soul beckoning demanding integration and transformation of unclaimed parts of oneself, from this life and many other ones we have lived.

Silent Births: Fruit of the Womb describes three extraordinary circumstances and how they interact with ghosts of my mother's unspoken heartache. It is a startling but deeply connected juxtaposition with my life as a devout Catholic and psychotherapist who embraces and explores fields of consciousness and mind/bodywork attracting sages mysteriously sent to me.

Questioning love was the thread, God the needle to search for answers. It led to a miracle granted by my request from the Blessed Mother of a Miraculous Medal suddenly attached to a pen that I had retrieved from my handbag. God's "e-mail" answer to my quest for my life purpose "History/Herstory Write" was what I heard, and on the first anniversary of my mother's death, a forty-five minute visit from her, beyond the illusion and veil of death revealing a secret she bore in her womb the Silent Birth of long lost children and a sibling I've yet to meet.

In the telling of my mother's life, it became clear to me that there is a Divine Purpose to everyone's life with exquisite Divine Timing. This book is not only about weaving new roads of consciousness, but the necessity of making peace with ghosts of the past. In my mother's case, they were Silent Births that were awaiting new birth and freedom for all upon her death. It was my task to understand and accept her secret past, and give credence to, and for, present and future generations, in order for my re-birth and renewal to occur from pain and suffering to resurrection and redemption.